
bob the builder, can we fix it? yes, we can!

The train approaches the stop and I instantly see Vanessa, Tina and Jonathan standing on the platform. Their eyes are scanning the cars as the train comes to a gradual stop. They’re waiting for my arrival. Jonathan is big, today is his third birthday.

I step off the car near the front and start walking towards them anxiously. It’s been over a year since I’ve seen them, or any family for that matter. I’m looking straight towards them and in one fell swoop, we catch each other's gaze. I’m immediately filled with a smile that spreads through my body.

Back at the house, Jonathan takes me to his room and starts showing me all of his toys. He puts on his yellow hardhat and we get to work right away, fixing any and everything with our hammer, saw and drill, singing the Bob the Builder theme song. From this point on, we can’t be interrupted. There is a lot to do. The birthday party will have to wait.

My days in Germany were spent catching up with family. So much time has passed since we’ve had more than a casual conversation but it doesn’t matter. There is so much comfort to be in the same room.

David showed me all around Bochum and the surrounding areas. We rode our bikes to Hattingen and along the Rhine River, ate a lot of brotchen and snuck in a few gelatos. The weather was sporadic during these days in Germany, with a constant change from sun to torrential down pours. My time in Germany finished with a trip to the Mosel River through the steep wine country and lots of great memories in the company of family