Footprints | Tuscania, Italy

Footprints | Tuscania, Italy

At first, I wanted to write a piece that would summarize my thoughts and experiences in Italy. I found that it's difficult to capture in words. Especially since I have come to the realization that my initial thoughts upon arrival have concluded with the contrary. Instead, I want to write about the path traveled, physically and emotionally. The footprints and steps taken and left behind. The significance of the journey and the ability to self reflect. Whether how much time has passed or not.

My final trip in Italy was to Tuscania, Viterbo. I lived here for a short time seven years ago. It was a transformative experience. Italy has become a stepping stone for me. A home away from home, providing comfort and security while embracing the dissimilarities to take on new things. I remember that from my time before and the same holds true for today.

As I walk through the streets of Tuscania, I can feel the weight of my old self. I can feel my footprints left through the cobblestone streets as well as in the hearts of those who I've met. I sit at lunch with Marisa, Costantino, Maria, Roberto and their two year old daughter and know that our relationship is truly special. From what was a month experience living in their home, has developed into a bond that will remain forever.

While the details of the past aren't important, the emotion and the memories are what matter. Not remembering specifics but remembering the way I felt. I overlook the countryside as I stand in the park, in the same spot I stood seven years ago. The same feelings rush back to me as if I have never left this place. Everything seems untouched. I even feel untouched. I know my life has taken many twists and turns but as I look out at the view, everything seems to be frozen in time. From this moment to the last, it doesn’t seem like a second has passed but now, I view it through a matured lens. With a smirk on my face and all those here in my heart.

Ci vediamo a dopo, Italia.
